Refine Your Search
In Ingredient List (default): Find this ingredient in a list of ingredients.
Examples: You are seeking muffins with pieces of nuts, not muffins with nut flour. You'd like to specifically use the soy milk or the tomatoes in your fridge. You want to find a recipe that uses mayonnaise, not a recipe that requires you to make mayonnaise.
As A Component: Expand to ingredients that have this ingredient as a component.
Examples: You seek muffins that have nuts in any form (oil, milk, ...) Soy milk is one of your safe foods and you want to expand to anything made from soy milk, like tofu or soy cheese. Uncle Phil likes tomatoey dishes, so you are looking for something that has tomatoes, even if that means from a can of tomato paste. You don't mind making mayonnaise if that's what's called for in this recipe.
If you would like to find tomato OR soy milk, type tomato OR soymilk and click +.
Add substitutes for broader results. For example, a recipe calling for any fruit might show up if you want something with apples.
Exclude all other ingredients for results that only have ingredients (and their derivatives) within a SafeList. (This feature is only available to create a profile that can then be used during searches. Go to Shortcuts & Profiles and upgrade your account to create a SafeList profile.)
The SafeList automatically ignores usually safe and optional ingredients such as salt, sugar, and flavoring. Results may include only a few of the ingredients from the SafeList. A Safelist search takes up to 20 minutes. When you save a Profile Shortcut, we run the search for you while you sleep so that your future searches only take seconds. When using a SafeList Profile shortcut during a search, any ingredients under "with" will be added to the SafeList. A search with two SafeList Profile shortcuts will yield an intersection SafeList.
Sensitivity Settings
Not In Ingredient List: Exclude this particular ingredient in a list of ingredients.
Examples: You don't have a soy allergy, but you don't want to find stir-fry dishes that use fresh soy beans. You are an allergy veteran and know exactly how to substitute unsafe ingredients so you're casting your net very wide. When you say you don't want mayonnaise, you also mean you don't want to make your own mayonnaise.
Mostly-Free: Only allow results that mostly do not contain this ingredient.
Examples: You are an intolerance veteran and are casting your net pretty wide. When you say you don't want mayonnaise, you also mean you don't want to make your own mayonnaise. This search may find amounts that qualify for "-free" nutrition labeling guidelines set by the FDA, such as 0.5g fat per serving for "fat-free".
No Derivatives: Also exclude derivatives that are not refined or hydrolized.
Examples: You have a soy allergy but can tolerate soy lecithin and hydrolized soy protein. Results would exclude soy milk, tofu, and any other soy ingredient that is not refined. You have fine-tuned which foods are safe and not safe. Ingredients should mostly be commercially available, but you're okay making your own using your safe foods, like graham crackers to use in a crust recipe.
No Trace (default): Also exclude refined and hydrolized derivatives, and ingredients with trace amounts.
Examples: This would exlude soy lecithin, hydrolized vegetable proteins, cereal extracts, starch, refined oils, and other refined derivatives. It would also exclude ingredients with tiniest amounts of the allergen, for example milk with alpha-gal. You are fairly new to the allergy world, or have reactions caused by traces of food allergens. You don't want results labeled "caffeine-free" even if the levels are tiny. Ingredients should mostly be commercially available, but you're okay making your own using your safe foods, like graham crackers to use in a crust recipe.
These settings do not avoid cross-reactors (like cashews if you are allergic to mangoes) and common contaminators (like corn starch in confectioner's sugar—unless there is no other option). Always read labels to make sure ingredients are safe for you.
Click to further narrow your search.
To assign a sensitivity setting for an individual ingredient in a group (like almonds in tree nuts), unselect the ingredient from its group, type the ingredient name, click - to add the ingredient individually to Without, and change the setting for that ingredient. The strictest setting for a selected ingredient (either indvidually or in its group) will prevail.