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Ground Pork Stuffed Tomatoes


Source: SafeRecipes

Ground Pork Stuffed Tomatoes


Source: SafeRecipes


Yields: 4 servings (4 Servings)

4 Tomatoes 492g
Ground Black Pepper 0.1g
1 lb Ground Pork 453.6g
10 oz White Mushroom* 283.5g
1/2 cup Cooked Quinoa 92.5g
1/2 cup Grated Parmesan 50g
1 Onion 110g
2 cloves Garlic 6g
2 tbsps Olive Oil 27g
1/4 tsp Ground Thyme 0.35g
Fresh Parsley
 1 Egg or Egg Substitute 44g
1/4 tsp Salt 1.5g* Optional
Select the substitute that is safe for you
(Substitutes that do not match free or diet icons may appear.)

ALWAYS check labels before buying or consuming!
Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat a rimmed baking sheet with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Clean the tomatoes. Cut the top off each tomato and reserve. Scoop out the insides and reserve. Place the hollow tomatoes in baking dish and sprinkle with salt. Fry the onion and garlic in 1 tbsp olive oil in a large skillet for about 5 minutes. Add the ground pork until the meat just loses its pink color, and season with pepper. Add the reserved tomato flesh and cook until the liquids evaporate, about 10 minutes. (Alternately, to go faster, you can cook the tomato separately at the same time as the onions.) Transfer to a bowl and add the quinoa, parmesan, thyme and parsley. Spoon into the tomato cups and place the tops back on. Place in dish and drizzle olive oil over the tops. Place mushrooms all around. Bake about 45min.


• After cutting off the tomato tops, cut around the inside of the tomato then use a melon scoop to scoop out the insides.
• If in a hurry, only add the flesh and not the juice of the cut tomatoes.





Necessary Equipment: Oven
